Thanks to sterling work by Masterfilter Managing Director, Paul Clark earlier in 2018, the company secured funding for a research project running from June until August this year, providing valuable revenue to our academic research partner and insight to the market on product performance.

The project was initiated by a visit to the research site in June, undertaken by company Chairman Alan Roper and Non-Executive Director Alex Lawrence-Berkeley while Managing Director Paul Clark attended a Wind Energy industry event in Hungary.

During approximately 40 days of testing, MasterFilter units will be fitted to the University of Strathclyde’s laboratory test rig, designed to simulate the power and loads experienced by small wind turbines, in order to show how effective the Dual Flow filtration system is at cleaning dirty oil, keeping it clean, and maintaining the quality of new oil.

Notional particulate and contaminant measurements will be taken on site, while separate lubricant samples will be taken at regular intervals and detailed results provided by an independent third-party laboratory.  Additional testing time has also been scheduled for some new technology development.

The research project will be overseen by Dr Alasdair McDonald, senior lecturer at the EPSRC Wind and Marine Energy Systems Centre for Doctoral Training based in the Wind Energy and Control Centre, Institute for Energy and Environment, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.

The research will form the backbone of the company’s marketing efforts through the Q3 2018 conference season.  It is hoped that a successful outcome to the project will enable larger research projects at centres in the UK and elsewhere in Europe where Wind Turbine research is conducted.

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